The joys of being 7.
It's Thursday, and I'm early as usual.It's 8:07 am and I've been here for more than an hour.
They call it color-coding. Private vehicles with plate numbers ending in 7 or 8 are grounded from 7am to 7pm on Thursdays, but they can stay on the road before and / or after that 12-hour hiatus. Our dusty black Honda Civic with the scraped door (an injury it suffered after my battle with a cargo truck at 2am in Taft Avenue about three months ago) has a plate number that ends in 7.
So every Thursday, I beat the sun up and drive like hell to get me and sis to the office, after dropping off Ma at the park for her daily Tai Chi sessions. We used to take a cab to work on color-coded days and then commute home via bus and jeepney, but we finally got fed up doing that after battling with bouts of nausea several times.
So now I'm sitting here in my workstation, typing away on this here blog, soaking in the joys of being early, while listening to Jimmy Cliff sing about bright, sun-shiny days on Yahoo Launch Radio. This is perhaps the only time I get to post a long entry here, leave sarcastic comments on other blogs, check on Friendster and see if somebody has posted a new list of survey questions, and read some Xena fanfics.
Then at 5pm, my head starts to hurt from lack of sleep.
Gee, the weather outside looks like it has just lost a fight with Cerberus. Tuttut! Tuttut! Oh look, I got a text message at 7:30 in the morning.
Pa: No color coding today, jo
Mwahahhaha. You could've just brought a a hundred bucks with you. Duh. This is the Philippines, dude. MMDAs can be "bought" ...add to that, the looming christmas season. mwahahaha. Injustice? hmmm..probably. But that definition just doesn't rule over in this damn country.
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