A little respect
Lucy: "So you're an assassin."
Ninotchka: "Da."
Lucy: "How does it work?"
Ninotchka: "Mostly freelance."
Lucy: "So you just go out and kill somebody?"
Ninotchka: "Ya. Sometimes maim. Maiming's more...but mostly, I want to be dancer!" (Gestures with her arms.)
Lucy: "Oh really?"
Ninotchka: "Ninotchka doesn't have enough money to pay dance teacher. So he says, 'My wife is having an affair. You kill her lover, I give you free lessons.'"
That's diamond thief / smuggler Lucy Diamond on a blind date with the Russian assassin Ninotchka from the short movie D.E.B.S. Yeah, and the story turns out to be a Romeo and Juliet type (minus the tragedy. Oops, did I just reveal the ending? My bad.) -- only that it becomes Juliet and Juliet when Lucy falls for one of the girl spies (the same premise as in the short.)
Now don't expect any deep story and John Woo action in this one. The movie's quite campy but fun and well-directed, the script well-written, the production not bad, the actors terribly hilarious.
Haven't laughed in a while. That was good.
For more info about D.E.B.S., click on this.
Scud (Lucy's chief lieutenant): D.E.B.S. en route, two minutes.
Lucy: Do I look all right?
Scud: (pause)
Scud: This is retarded.
great. 1 minute upon posting and i've been spammed.
Mortgage Rates Down For Second Week
TrackBack Comments 11 Views Mortgage rates declined almost across the board for the week ending August 25 and 26, according to Freddie Mac and the Mortgage Bankers Association respectively.
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