The pink corner.
Nong Toom vs Nong Toom
"He fought like a man so he can become a women," so it says on the cover of the DVD. (Well, you gotta hand it to us poor ones who can't afford the originals.)
Despite the poor English subtitles that kept appearing when you didn't need them, the movie was well-directed, with minimal or no CG, and a humbling one. It was the biography of Nong Toom, Thailand's first transvestite Muay Thai champion.
I fell in love with her the first time I saw her on CNN. She (a he then, with face powder, lipstick, and hair band) had just won a fight and her opponent was slumped over the ropes looking like he had just been run over by a truck. Nong Toom then walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek "to say sorry." Most people thought then that his playing gay was just a marketing stunt, but for Toom, it was real. He (or rather she) believed that she was a woman trapped in the body of a man.
Unfortunately the real Nong Toom no longer fights and has had an operation. (For more info, visit the official website.)
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